
All the colors!

View the game title, and a user-written short description.
Preview the RGB scheme of the profile, and the
profile tags that are listed in the top left.
You can also switch between analog and DKS view in the top right.

Know e v e r y t h i n g

In the top right you can view the user-written profile name.
Underneath that you can copy the profilecode by clicking on it.
Coming soon? Noone knows. Except me. Maybe.

Hacker mode

Get to know every little detail about the profile. Switch to DKS mode and click a DKS enabled key to view its binds.

🚀 Done!

Go ahead and import you favorite profiles!
Want to share a profile instead? Click here

Lets go!


Analog DKS

Rocket League

By: Wooting

Coming soonâ„¢

[center] An analog profile is very personal. This guide will only help you get started, it's recommended to explore better options and test around with the analog curve.[br] [br][b]Analog Profile Setup[/b][br][br] [b]Profile Characteristics: [/b][br] [list] [*]Actuation point on 1.5mm for fastest reaction [*]The linear analog curve for gradual movement [*]Only analog movement [/list][br] [b] Note:[/b] [list] [*]Issue 1: Rocket league doesn't always recognize the controller. When this happens, just replug the keyboard and it will recognize it instantly. [*]Issue 2: If you use Steam big picture, and made adjustments/use controller specific functions, this might hinder with typing in chat [/list][br] [b]Remove in-game deadzones [/b][br] Deadzones will kill the total analog range. Therefore remove them in the game options > controller settings. Set any options that mention deadzone to 0. [img][/img][br] [br][br] [b]Remove WASD movement bindings [/b][br] The digital keys are turned on so that you can use all your keyboard bindings.[br] You want all the movement to be taken over by the controller analog stick and bumper buttons.[br] Therefore remove the Keyboard WASD keys from all the bindings, shown below.[br] Don't forget the areal controls.[br] [img][/img][br] [br] [br] [b]Troubleshooting[/b][br] In somecases with Rocket League, Xbox DVR and voice chat causes issues with gameplay, such as random lags.[br] To fix this issue, disable the Voice Chat by unchecking it under "Options -> Controls -> Change key bindings" within Rocket League and then disable Xbox DVR. [/center]


  • Actuation Point:

  • Supports digital:

  • Tachyon Mode:

  • Brightness:

  • Idle Brightness:

Analog Curve

0 255

D.K.S. Binds