
All the colors!

View the game title, and a user-written short description.
Preview the RGB scheme of the profile, and the
profile tags that are listed in the top left.
You can also switch between analog and DKS view in the top right.

Know e v e r y t h i n g

In the top right you can view the user-written profile name.
Underneath that you can copy the profilecode by clicking on it.
Coming soon? Noone knows. Except me. Maybe.

Hacker mode

Get to know every little detail about the profile. Switch to DKS mode and click a DKS enabled key to view its binds.

🚀 Done!

Go ahead and import you favorite profiles!
Want to share a profile instead? Click here

Lets go!


Analog DKS

Pseudo Fn-Toggle Typing Profile

By: Breadix#6003

Coming soonâ„¢

Allows you to stay in an Fn layer and then go back whenever you want. Fn1 works as usual. Press Fn2 to become stuck in Fn layer 2. Then, to go back, press D1. The keys are in Turkish and made for 60HE but after understanding how this works you can apply it to any profile.


  • Actuation Point:

  • Supports digital:

  • Tachyon Mode:

  • Brightness:

  • Idle Brightness:

Analog Curve

0 255

D.K.S. Binds