
All the colors!

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Know e v e r y t h i n g

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Coming soon? Noone knows. Except me. Maybe.

Hacker mode

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numpad data entry 60HE

Analog DKS

60HE Numpad


Coming soonâ„¢

This is a numpad profile that I use occasionally for faster and more accurate data entry on a 60HE. This is intended to be used by switching back and forth from the main digital profile. It is not a fully functional "keyboard" in and of itself. For obvious reasons, it is completely redundant on a 100% board. I have not mapped any keys outside of the 60% space, and have no idea what their standard behavior looks like. Do not ask me to "fix" this, it is expected behavior. ___ The typical 10-key layout is centered around the right hand as usual, with some slightly abnormal entries - `SPACE` is remapped to `0`, there is an additional `,` to the right of the `.` (for entering large numbers + decimals in nonstandard forms), and `CAPS LOCK` is actually `DELETE` (something I use normally on all my layouts). Navigation keys are included on `WASD`, and can easily become `PgUp`/`PgDn`/`HOME`/`END` by accessing upper layers. `NUM LOCK` *should* remain active when switching between profiles, as long as the keyboard is not disconnected/powered off. Layer 1 is accessed by holding `DELETE`, and allows the user to switch back to their normal (digital) typing profile with `H`/`L` (Vim navigation keys). Layer 2 just contains a few extra keys, but was necessary to include for some edge cases. ___ Different colors denote the function of each key cluster: * Pink: modifier/system keys (*`CONTROL` and the like*) * Purple: "normal" keys (*for the purposes of this layout, "normal" basically just means navigation keys and `SPACE` - there are no traditional letter keys here*) * Green: "normal" number row (*included for some cases, such as switching between workspaces with `SUPER`+`<NUMBER>`)* * White: numpad, layer modifiers (*only when active/locked*) * Blue: symbols (*parens, `,`, `.`, etc.*) * Orange: layer modifiers, function keys (*`F1-F12`*), numpad operators (*`+`, `-`, etc.*) There are a few weird cases to be aware of, such as `DELETE` acting as a layer modifier when the key is held. Most everything should be self-explanatory. Hopefully this helps someone.


  • Actuation Point:

  • Supports digital:

  • Tachyon Mode:

  • Brightness:

  • Idle Brightness:

Analog Curve

0 255

D.K.S. Binds